Sandakan Basin

Sandakan Basin is located in the northern part of Borneo Island. Similar to other circum-Borneo basins, the Sandakan Basin is dominated by shallow to deep marine clastics sequences.

Fig. 1. NW-SE Seismic Section of part of Sandakan Basin (Petronas, 2000).
Foreset features of Sehabat Formation, indicating sediment transport from NW to SE. Source: Petronas 2000 in Tate, 2001.

Fig. 2. Manalunan-1 geoseismic interpretation after Wong, 1993.
A scetch of a seismic section across Manalunan-1 well which penetrated the Sehabat formation (Modified after Wong, 1993)

Fig. 3. NW-SE orientation seismic section (Petronas 2000)
NW - SE orientation seismic section
shows Pad Basin which is bounded by 2 flower structure system (Source: Petronas 2000 in Tate, 2001)

Fig. 4. Seismic section and well distribution of Futalan et al. (2012) study.

Futalan et al.(2012) published 2 seismic lines in the Philippines territory of Sandakan Basin (Fig. 4).

Fig. 5. Seismic section of Futalan et al. (2012)

Fig. 6. Seismic section across Hippo-1 well (Futalan et al., 2012)
Seismic interpretation along a seismic section by Futalan et al., 2012.

A zoom in and detail seismic interpretation across Hippo-1 well is shown in Fig. 6.

Futalan, K., Mitchell, A., Amos, K., & Backe, G., Seismic Facies Analysis and Structural Interpretation of the Sandakan Sub-basin, Sulu Sea, Philippines, Search and Discovery Article #30254 (2012) Posted October 29, 2012

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