The West Natuna Basin was formed as an intra-continental rift basin within the Sunda Platform, the southern margin or Eurasian Plate. The basin has undergone Eocene-Oligocene extension, followed by Miocene to present day contraction and inversion.
In Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene reconstruction, East Natuna Basin was part of a large fore-arc basin extending from offshore Veitnam, across Natuna Sea to Sarawak. The SW-NE trending structures in East Natuna Basin are controlled by extensional faults and half grabens similar to the ones found in West Natuna Basin, but the rift magnitude is generally less than the ones in the West Natuna Basin.

West Natuna Seismic Sections
Seismic reflection section over the Anambas graben. Tectonic inversion over the graben occurred during the Miocene. Brown marker is the top Oligocene, Gabu formaion wheras the blue marker represents the Pliocene unconformtiy after inversion. The bright spots near basement may represent lacustrine source rocks with high TOC. Source: Fenstein, 2000.

East Natuna Seismic Sections

Seismic reflection section of East Natuna. No inversion occurs in this area. Blu marker represents top of carbona te reservoirs. Bursa is an oil field and Alpha-D is teh giant Natuna gas field (source: Fainstein, 2000).

Play concepts for East Natuna basin (source: Netherwood R., 2000, after Fainstein and Meyer, 1998)
ION Geophysics acquired deep seismic in Natuna area. The sections go as deep as 40 km. Below are a map and a sample section from their brochure

Netherwood R., 2000, The Petroleum Geology of Indonesia, in: Blunden, T. (ed.), Indonesia 2000, Reservoir Optimization Conference, Schlumberger
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