
Phu Khanh Basin

Phu Khanh Basin, Vietnam
Phu Khanh Basin is located in the offshore east Vietnam. The bathymetry in this area is relatively steep as it change from several tens of meters to more than 1000 m in less than 100 km.

Key seismic sections are displayed here.
A. Seismic section showing the northern margin of Phu Khanh Basin, towards Song Hong Basin. These two basins are separated by basement high. (source AAPG)

B. Seismic section showing the southern margin of Phu Khanh Basin. The section crossed the basement high which separate Phu Khanh Basin and Cuu Long Basin. (source AAPG)

C. W-E Seismic section in the north of Phu Khanh Basin from Vietnam shallow water to deeper offshore showing relatively steep slope.

D. W-E Seismic section in the north of Phu Khanh Basin

Bojesen-Koefoed, J. A., Nielsen, L. H., Nytoft, H. P., Petersen, H. I., Dau, N. T.,  Hien, L. V.,  Duc, N. A., Quy, N., H., 2005, Geochemnical characteristics of oil seepages from Dam Thi Nai, Central Vietnam: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration in the offshore Phu Khanh Basin, Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol 28 (1), January 2005, pp 3-18

A. Song Hong - Phu Khanh Seismic Section (source: AAPG)
Nortern margin of Phu Khanh Basin

B. Cuu Long - Phu Khanh Seismic Section (source: AAPG)
Southern margin of Phu Khanh Basin

C. W-E Seismic Section in the north of Phu Khanh Basin (Bojesen-Koefoed et al, 2005), showing potential kitchen area and its migration path.

D. W-E Seismic Section in the north of Phu Khanh Basin (Bojesen-Koefoed et al, 2005). Horst-grabben system develop below the Lower Miocene horizon. A major progradational feature developed in the upper Miocene.

Bojesen-Koefoed, J.A., Nielsen, L.H., Nytoft, H.P., Petersen, H.I., Dau, N.T., Hien, L.V., Duc, N.A. & Quy, N.H., 2005: Geochemical characteristics of oil seepages from Dam Thi Nai, central Vietnam: implications for exploration in the offshore Phu Khanh Basin. Journal of Petroleum Geology 28, 3–18.

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