
Arafura Sea

Arafura seismic section (PGS)
A major unconformity in Arafura Sea is shown on PGS seismic line. 

Arafura seismic section (ION)

ION deep seismic (~40 km) indicated a deep feature below a relatively flat and shallow bathymetry in Arafura Sea.

Australian Sector of Arafura Sea

Stratigraphy of Arafura Sea (Source:
Goverment of Australia, Geoscience Asutralia)
Sediment thickness map of the Australian sector of Arafura Sea
(Source: Goverment of Australia, Geoscience Asutralia)

There are probably more seismic and wells in the Australian sector of Arafura Sea. Based on the well data, the Australian Goverment - Geoscience Ausralia has prepared a stratigraphic scheme of the Arafura Sea.

The interpretation of these seismic lines indicated Paleozoic to Proterozoic interval of stratigraphy.

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