Key seismic sections were published by Swiecicki and Maynard (2009):
Seismic expression of rifting events (Swiecicki & Maynard, 2009) shows 2 major rifting episodes:
1) Oligocene- Early Miocene rift system (Oligocene North-South extension)
2) Middle Miocene - Pleistocene rift system (Middle Miocene NW-SE extension)

Regional cross section
Lan Tay and Hoa Dao structure complex on a NW-SE regional seismic line by Restrepo-Pace (2007).
1st Rift system
Tien Cau syn-rift and Cau post rift as indicated on seismic.

2nd Post rift deposits
Seismic details on Dua Formation, Early Miocene in age
Mang Cau Syn-Rift 2
Significant thickening towards Hoa Dao high is observed in this seismic section.
Nam Con Son Post Rift 2.

Bien Dong - Post rift sag phase
Progradational sequence on top of bathyal shales (transparant unit)
Bien Dong - Post rift sag phase
Progradational sequence on top of bathyal shales (transparant unit)
Time slice showing the channel complex.

Eearly Pliocene (LBD) Channel System
Time slide and seismic section in both strike and dip directions.
Upper Bien Dong progradational system
Petronas Tower as a scale for the canyon system on the left.
Comparing seismic sections and time slice.

Swiecicki, T. and Maynard, K., 2009, Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Block 06/94, Nam Con Son Basin, Offshore Vietnam, SEAPEX
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