

Proposal and invitation to potential contributors

Significant number of quality seismic lines were acquired from Southeast Asia basins, showing world class geological features. Those data are scattered and / or not easily accessed by public users. This atlas open the opportunity for geoscientists to see interesting seismic features in this region in one integrated volume, with their geological backgrounds.

Team (Contributors and Reviewers)
Anantasena - BPPT - Indonesia
Andrew Cullen - Chesapeake Energy, Oklahoma City, OK, USAAwang Satyana - BPMIGAS - Indonesia
Dieter Franke - BGR - Germany
Duddy Ranawijaya - Geo Marine Survey - Indonesia
Harry Doust - Amsterdam Univ. - Netherland
Henry Posamentier - CHEVRON - USA
Herman Darman - SHELL - Netherland (chief editor)
Kjell Johansen - PGS - Singapore
Michael B. W. Fyhn - Geus - Denmark
Minarwan - REPSOL - Spain (co editor)
Owen Dyer - FUGRO - Australia
Peter Baillie -TGS NOPEC - Australia
Ridwan Djamaluddin - BPPT - Indonesia
Roberto Fainstein - WesternGeco - India
Robert Hall - Royal Halloway - UK
Sigit Sukmono -ITB - Indonesia
Simon Irwin - PGS - Indonesia
Steve Toothill - CGGVeritas - Indonesia
Tony Swiecicki - Murphy - Vietnam
Yusuf Djajadihardja - BPPT - Indonesia

Note: The name list above is on alphabetical order by first name. If you prefer us not to display your name, please contact the coordinator: Herman Darman

In the first phase, the seismic sections will be displayed in this website. The team will contribute their interpretations and comments on the sections compiled.

Once significant quality and quantity images compiled, the committee aimed to publish A3 size hard copies with colors and/or in CD format. Each basin will be covered in atlas chapters with minimum 2 pages and maximum of 6 pages of A3 paper (landscape orientation), see below the template and example of this potential publication. Contributors are expected to send seismic sections, location map of the sections, related well information if available, regional geological map and cartoon cross section, 3D model etc.

Currently the team is investigating potential publisher for the atlas.


For proposed template for the A3 publication, click here

For example of the atlas, click here

Data Provider

The data published in this website came from different sources, mainly published literature. Some data provider provide published seismic images, and the web editor would like to thank the following companies: